Frequently Asked Questions
How can I set up an account for my company?
Establishing an account for your company to process surveys is easy. Give us a call at (913) 393-2525 and we will start the process. We will need your company name and contact information.
Does my company have to do training in order to use the MBS Survey?
The short answer is no. A number of our clients simply use the MBS Profile Report as a tool in hiring, without ever having any training. Ideally, the MBS Survey and MBS Profile Report are used in conjunction with Management By Strengths training in order to more fully equip the person to improve communication and teamwork.
How much does it cost to take the MBS Survey?
The cost to take the MBS Survey is $33. When taking the on-line survey, this can be paid with a credit card. Or, your company can establish an account and you will be billed at the end of each month. If you have a valid Account # and Password, the on-line survey will bypass the credit card screen and go directly to your MBS Profile Report.
If I buy 10 Profile Reports can I get a discount?
We do not give a “volume discount”. Our largest clients, that have done thousands of surveys over the years, pay the same $33 price that a new, smaller client would pay.
Can I have my family members complete the MBS Survey?
If you have an account set up, MBS will process MBS Surveys for members of your immediate family at no charge. We believe that having family members complete the survey is an excellent way for MBS students to practice what they learn in the Management By Strengths class. Use the same online account number and password that you used when you completed the survey. Surveys can also be processed by FAX.
Please have your family member enter their own name … not yours. Often we get 3 or 4 surveys from a family … John Smith – Wife, John Smith – Son, John Smith – Daughter. Under position, put their relationship to you (spouse, son, family, etc.).
Can children take the MBS Survey?
The key to children taking the survey is their understanding of the words. If you have a 10 year old son or daughter who understands the meaning of the words, then they can take the survey. We have found that children ages 13 and up are probably able to understand the words or look them up in a dictionary. With regard to identifying the high traits of your children, we would recommend an article the we published called Recognizing Traits in Your Kids.
Can I look up my Profile Report online?
When you completed the survey, you would have received a follow-up link that will take you back to your results. Clients can access their data using the MBS Profile Viewer. Login using Client Access. If you don’t have your company password, just let us know.
On Side 1 of the survey … what is meant by “How others expect you to act”?
WHO are the OTHERS that we’re referring to? Simply put … people that know you. It can refer to your family, friends or people at work. “Others” refers to people that you interact with most frequently … often times this is in your work environment.
Can I retake the MBS Survey?
MBS has found over the years that the first time a person takes the survey produces the most accurate reflection of their temperament. The parts of a person’s report that will change over time are the Adjustment and Role graphs. For this reason, prior to attending training, some people like to retake the survey to get “fresh” adjustments … especially if they initially took the survey a long time ago.
There are times however that for some reason the initial survey comes out wrong. This can be due to misunderstanding the directions, intentionally responding to the words in a “less than honest” manner, attempting to somehow control how the resulting profile will come out, or for other reasons. If one of these applies to you, it’s probably good to retake the survey. The goal of completing the MBS Survey is to generate an accurate reflection of a person’s temperament. The $33 charge for taking the survey also applies to retakes
I retook the survey and the results came out different. Why?
Some people retake the survey for the expressed purpose of seeing how they’ve changed. They then ask, “Why did my profile change?” Not to be facetious, but wasn’t that the idea? Retaking the MBS Survey is like opening a camera that has film already in it. Once you close the camera it might still work … but probably not.
I retook the survey and the results came out the same, but I think that I’ve changed. Why is it the same?
When a person retakes the survey we create what is called a Composite Profile. The composite takes the Self Profile from the person’s original survey and combines it with the Adjustment Profile from the retake. Thus the Self will be the same, as will the description on the report which comes from the Self.We use this method because as stated above … MBS has found over the years that the first time a person takes the survey produces the most accurate reflection of their temperament. The parts of a person’s report that will change over time are the Adjustment and Role graphs
What does the Energy Level (the number) represent?
In the column to the right of the Role Profile is the Energy Level. An average energy is 250. The highest number you can get is 480.Most people have plenty of “energy”. We’re sure of this because we rarely see people carried from work asleep. And while it is true that some people naturally have more energy than others, how they use that energy and whether or not that energy is available to them when they need it are important considerations. The energy that a person has is more available when he/she is comfortable.The Energy Level measures the total intensity of a person’s responses to the word descriptors on the MBS Survey.
In the Combination of Strengths section, my Profile Report says “Corporate Hook”. What does that mean?
The term “Corporate Hook” refers to the relationship in the Self Profile between the Pace trait (P) and the Structure trait (S) when both are below the horizontal center line. The term applies when the Pace trait is the lowest in the grid and the Structure trait is even slightly higher … we say that the S trait is hooking back up toward the line. We have found that a person with this specific P/S combination will have Structured tendencies even though the S trait is below the center line.
When “personality profiling” was beginning many years ago it was observed that lots of High D or E and Low P / Low S (entrepreneurial types) were working within large corporations like Xerox and IBM. Often their S trait “hooked” back up from the P trait, towards center line … very independent people working within a “structured” corporate environment. This combination was labeled “corporate hook” because of their tendencies to follow the system and do some of the detail.
Why didn’t I receive a name badge? I sent in my survey.
Submitting a survey does not automatically cause us to create a name badge, grid, or any materials other than the MBS Profile Report. Most companies that use the MBS Name Badges also use the survey with applicants, friends and family members. Automatically creating badges for each survey would generate a lot of unwanted badges (at $15.00 each). To order an MBS Name Badge, or any other materials, please use that option in Client Access or send it via e-mail. Please remember to include your company name and mailing address.
The “minus” signs in the section Motivation By Strengths … are those areas that need improvement?
No, the “minus” signs are simply locators indicating that the trait falls below the center line in the Self grid. Traits that are below the center line are also strengths. For example, -P indicates that the person’s Pace trait appears below the center line indicating that the person has the strength of Urgency. Urgency allows the person to rush at the last minute, work quickly on many different projects and work well under pressure. Can Urgency be a weakness? Any trait can be a weakness if the person does not have control of his/her temperament.
What are the negative things about me that the Profile Report doesn’t cover?
Temperament, which is what the MBS Survey reflects, is neither positive nor negative. Thus the MBS Profile Report doesn’t reflect possible negative aspects of a person’s personality. Any strength that is not used positively can be a weakness. For example, extroversion is a strength, but if an extroverted salesman never shuts up, and ends up losing sales … it becomes a weakness. Structure is a strength, but if the person is so inflexible that they are unable to deal with any type of revisions or changes … it becomes a weakness. etc…
How can such a simple survey be so accurate?
First of all, the Profile Report is simply a reflection of the information that the person has provided on their survey. Essentially, you told us what to print on the report. Second, each trait has 5 to 6 adjectives associated with it. So, if the survey misses on one of the words, it has 4 to 5 more opportunities to identify that trait.
What is the best profile for a certain job?
Certain jobs tend to attract certain types of people. Sales positions attract more High D’s and High E’s because the nature of the job requires the person to be outgoing, persuasive, and results oriented. The High D/High E person is a natural salesman. Does that mean that a private, non-threatening person can’t succeed in a sales job? No, it simply means that they will do the job differently. They will make adjustments to accomplish their goals. Many very successful sales people have atypical profile … ie: High S or High P.
I have a candidate that is High E/Low D … should I hire him?
Hard to say. There’s much more to the decision than just a person’s temperament. Other qualifications pertinent to the hiring process are:
– Experience
– Integrity
– Maturity
– Product knowledge
– Physical requirements
– Availability
The MBS Survey does not address any of these areas. What it does identify is how a person will naturally approach the job, how they might handle different situations, and once hired how you should best work with that person.
What do the L and C mean?
L stands for Logic.As part of making a decision, a person either leans more on the “facts” of the situation (L above the line) or they rely more on how they “feel” about the situation … their intuition (L below the line). While logic is a piece of the overall picture … the Self Profile is the more important piece.C can stand for Comfortable, Concern or Self Critical.If the C falls within the Comfort Zone (the gray shaded area) we say that recently the person has felt comfortable that they were going to achieve their goals.As the C moves DOWN the column, outside the Comfort Zone, we say that recently the person has been concerned whether or not they would accomplish their goals. The further down the column the C is, the more concern there was.On the other hand, as the C moves UP the column, outside the Comfort Zone, we say that when the person has been being hard on themselves … Self Critical. The further up the column the C is, the more Self Critical.