MBS Trainer Certification
The MBS Train The Trainer program provides a company the flexibility to teach the Management by Strengths Fundamental Course at any time, with any size class.
Companies with more than 150 employees, or that have more than one location, have found that the most cost effective way to implement the Management By Strengths program throughout their organization is by developing Internal MBS Trainers. Once certified, these trainers can then teach the program to the remainder of the company’s employees.
MBS encourages companies to develop MBS Trainers in groups of 2 or more. During the development of the Train The Trainer program, MBS has found that “Team Teaching” is the most effective way for the Internal Trainers to work. Training partners learn to support one another, ensuring that all important principles are presented. Partners are also available to help answer any questions that arise during the seminar.
Using the MBS Trainer’s Materials, trainers teach the Management By Strengths program in both format and content consistent with all other MBS Trainers.

To become certified to teach the 4 hour Management By Strengths seminar, the Trainer Candidate must:
- Watch the 4 hour MBS DVD Training.
- Complete the MBS Video Workbook.
- Observe the 4 hour MBS Fundamental class 3 times.
- Team teach 1 class under the supervision of a MBS Master Trainer.
Because of the shorter format, 2 classes can be run per day. The result of the 2 days of MBS Train The Trainer Training is that 80 or more employees learn MBS skills AND 2-6 trainers are certified to teach the 4 hour course program throughout the company.
To become certified to teach the 7 hour Management By Strengths seminar, the Trainer Candidate must:
- Watch the 4 hour MBS DVD Training.
- Complete the MBS Video Workbook.
- Observe the 7 hour MBS Fundamental class 3 times.
- Team teach 1 class under the supervision of a MBS Master Trainer.
The result of the 4 days of MBS Train The Trainer Training is that 80 or more employees learn MBS skills AND 2-6 trainers are certified to teach the 7 hour course program throughout the company.