Hendrick Automotive Group News
Wednesday, 23 March, 2016
At Hendrick Automotive Group, people are the company’s most valuable assets. The organization uses the Management By Strengths (MBS) (www.strengths.com/) program to help determine the personality and communication strengths of each
teammate. The program is designed to tie people together to build a strong, successful team.
Kansas-based MBS, in business since 1979, helps companies improve its communication and decision-making processes. Hendrick Automotive Group engages MBS to increase productivity, learn critical elements of team building, and teach
employees and coworkers how to support each other.
After completing the MBS survey, teammates receive a self-profile that assigns colors to a person’s core personality strengths; red for the directness trait, green for extroversion, blue for pace and yellow for structure. Teammates
are required to wear a MBS badge that indicates their personal communication style. It helps to remind them the main focus of the company is customer satisfaction.
According to the MBS Hendrick Automotive Group case study, the company’s core values is ‘Passion for Winning,’ a reflection of another Hendrick enterprise, NASCAR champion Hendrick Motorsports. At the heart of this winning recipe
are very organized processes for building relationships with customers, and a step-by-step plan for integrating new dealerships and employees, which includes the MBS program for training and coaching.
“We use Management By Strengths because of its simplicity,” John Lamkin, Vice President of Training, told MBS. “We make sure that all our new employees understand and align with the Hendrick culture; it is a benevolent and gracious
It is important to Hendrick Automotive Group to have employees consider the “point of view” of their coworkers as well as their customers. It is the main key in developing an effective relationship in the workplace.
Lamkin talked about the organization’s main focus on seeking customer satisfaction.“
Every day we take the initiative to find ways to do our work better, smarter and faster. Seeking opportunities for personal growth and development will only lead to increased vitality for our business and greater satisfaction to
you (the customer).
”These MBS profiles along with the four traits gives Hendrick Automotive Group teammates the results of how to communicate together and work as a team. It’s part of what we do and who we are as an organization.
Check out what MBS profile the teammates are wearing during your next visit at a Hendrick Automotive Group dealership.
Do you know the badge? #knowthebadge
The original link: http://www.hendrickauto.com/dealership/news.htm